Active Projects

Hands Across Water
The Hands Across Waters (HAW), turns water, sanitation and irrigation challenges and solutions into modern multidisciplinary education

Young Spark
An oil refinery inspired STEAM program on product chain from fuels to polymers, and their production process and plastic environmental protection.

Young Energy
An Energy inspired STEAM program with broad address of modern energy resources, production and use, focusing on combined cycle electric power.
Past Projects

Young Paper
One of the earlies STEAM courses developed by Hi-Teach on the history, technology and future of paper production developed and carried out with support of the Israeli-America paper miles (Hadera paper). Participating were young family members of the Hadera paper mill. The courseware however was prepared at a very high level and it later served to train employees and management of the Hadera paper Mill. A unique “product” suggested by the young inventors was a home-based paper making machine tailoring paper for special home and small office needs
Health House and Health Network

A youth research program sponsored by Teva and the Ministry of Health Provided prediction of future pharmacy practices
And future health care concept.
The youngsters research forecasted focus on Preventive and Personally tuned medicine With a greater involvement of the pharmacist in the health services.
The project culminated in a proposal to establish a youth leadership network That will promote health behavior improvement
Waves & Imaging
Remote sensing using waves inspire STEAM program inspired and sponsored by Philips. The program considers wave from sound and ultrasound to light and Roentgen as means of remote sensing used to create images in the human eye, using Philips Neon light, TV camera and TV sets, and medical Scanners like CT and Ultrasound. The STEAM activity served to teach the physics of wave propagation like reflection and refraction.
Elbit – Learning Simulators
One of Hi-Teach earlier project used Elbit training simulators technology to research with students, the elements of modern learning technologies. Students were mostly Elbit employee family members, who were excited to learn of what their parents were doing at work. Elbit proceed to use the Hi-Teach tools and methodology to train its own Project Managers…
Young Engineers
Joining hands with Applied Materials and the Weizmann Institute Hi-Teach developed a cross country course for elementary school students 5th and 6th grade, on the high end optical technology used to produce and examine computer chips. The course was run in 300 schools and culminated in a three day summer camp at Applied Materials in the summer vacation. Students remember the “course” as a life changing experience.
Computers, Organizations & Brains
Young participants examined the similarities and differences between Computers, the Human brain and Organizations since they all process information and knowledge. The innovative examination stunned the employers at Intel (that sponsored the course) were stunned with the young fresh look at the challenge, which recognized that the three do have a lot in common (Memory, Learning) some similar limitations (Input and Output rate) and some huge differences (Imagination..). All in all it revealed to the grownups that they young kids, have smart brain, which they can use wisely when allowed to THINK!
At the early days of advanced cellular and what later emerged as smart phone’ children where exposed to the emerging meltdown between Radio communication, Data communication (the emergence of “all around you” digital world, and imaging (video). Sponsored by a big Cellular carrier, Nokia (a Cellphone mogul at the time, and Microsoft they were asked to predict “Where all of this is leading to”. Strangely enough right there at the early 2000’s emergence of the technology the young “Futurists” response was: It will be used for gaming! Said and Did – they went on to develop an interactive network game. Ages before Age of Empire and World of Warcraft.
Young Engineer
Silicon industry inspired program.